(05.08.13,sat) we hang out together,hehe..Sekarang nak gerak senang sebab sy dah ada driver yang amat disayangi sekali,hehehe ;D as usual our date place the curve!!surely korang boring kan but we both not :D rasa happy gila dapat jumpa dia even sekakpa but a day before we hang out,Hafiz datang rumah kay infront of my house Ya Allah time tu memang terkejut gila tak pernah2 dia datang rumah kayy,dah la time tu aku baru bangun tidur then dia ada call "sayang,petang ni awk ad kt rumah tak? Me;aaa ada umm nape? Him:tunggu tau kt rumah jgn pergi mna2 sy nk dtg rumah ni Me:Aaaa okey la " orang mamai kalau pick up phone apa dia dengarkan,haha..then half an hour he came to my house y'know what what did he gives to me???
Tadaaaaaa!!!! (04.08.13,sun) Comel macam kita taktak?? Its really out of mind seriously doh he suddenly being romantic and sweet guy even the truth is he doesnt actually this my gift for my 17th birthday 😘😘😘..then I asking him since when you being like this? Then he replied,I dont know I'm just do what is on the spot on my mind then I'll do it on that time :) Ya Allah sayang I am speechless triple speechless kayy??yeah before this ada juga berangan boyfriend datang rumah bagi birthday gift dekat rumah and now its comes reality!!! ;D
The next day, continue back kitaorang tengok horror movie cerita the conjuring like seriously the scary ever doh aku sampai tertarik tarik baju si Hafiz but dont misunderstood I am not going to hug him or whatever bila part suspense aku akan tertarik baju dia,sorrrry sayang ;))) then,cerita tu habis around 5 something kitaorang jalanjalan jap dekat the curve then singgah bookshop teman dia beli card tag tu.after that we chit chat sambil nk tunggu iftar..as usual cik abang kita request nasi so same place chicken rice shop!! ;D nasib baik dah reserve awal2 lau tak berbuka dekat kaki lima jela kan,haha..
So sweet bila bila tang dia tolong baca makan n berbuka puasa haih melting pula,hahaha..then after iftar we directly balik sebab mak abah dia risau,bukan risau apa sebab dia bawa kereta Naza takut something happen tu je..
Then dalam kereta pun still chit chat then jd sweet conversation,kitaorang borak pasal hubungan kitaorang..this time we being serious sebab last time ad sikit misunderstood sebab hari tu dia ada balik kl sat then singgah sekolah nk dptkan kelulusan ptptn dia suddenly dia trnmpk aku dekat kantin berdua-duaan dgn pengawas lelaki padahal bukan aku pun sebab time aku dh balik..
So he trying to asking to me then I explain the truth..what I loves about him is he will not easily trusted with anyone who talking bad about me,he will confess what does he felt,like he said If he dont asking me then x dengar explaination aku dari situ fikiran dia akan serabut..
So cakap dekat sms and call aku rasa mcm x puas because I need to confront with him and telling infront him..so aku directly cakap dekat dia berapa lama dia tackle aku before we're officially together??then he replied almost 2 years since I still form 2 while him form 3..then asking him again if I really dont loves him,mybe 2 years ago I'll accept you then I'll flirt behind you..then he's quiet then he continue talk,dia takut sebab sekarang kita dah jauh,sy busy wk busy so kita takda comitment dekat relationship..kalau kita dah selalu sangat borak dengan lelaki takkan tak terdetik dalam hati x suka kan??tu yang sy takut tu..thats why I need to meet you even just for awhile I need you to remember me,remember my face because I dont want you to forget me..alright on that time aku pula yg terdiam,aku x pernah terfikir dia akan cakap cmtu..he really love me Ya Allah..
Like what people said,when a guy really love you,he'll treat you like he taking care of his sisters.he'll not touch your hand infront of public because he knows if we really meant to be,he wanted to touch your hand not as a girlfriend but his wife..thats is really your man babe.thats is really precious day that you'll never forget..same goes to Hafiz,nama pun Hafiz dalam nama2 Allah pun maksud nama dia pelindung so dia betul proctect me but not OVERprotective..if he be like that no one like it selagi nama still girl/boy friend we still freedom from everything unless you already married then that time everything is under control your hubby..So conclusion,as long as you still can chill,chill la sampai puas when can we conclude is toleration,trusted,loving,give and take is the most important lagi2 if hubungan jarak jauh everything kena alert if you do loves your partner well..
Hafiz actually have certain charateristic that I want for who will be going to be my hubby but I am not hoping he'll be my hubby aku berserah dekat Allah segalanya..
Anyway sayang I am happy spent time with you then you'll flying back to kedah on this weds..saya nak ucapkan selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin maafkan segala apa sy dh buat since our 1st day meet until now ;)

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