Monday, May 20, 2013

Goodbye :D

Hye,as usual I'm here for you ;))) after has been awhile I'm not updated my blog,I miss you baby ;)))) ;** since sudah bergelar "SPM CANDIDATE" sudah semestinya sy sudah busy,haha ;D busy tu xdlah sangat but but still ada juga spend juga dengan all nonsense things,hewhew :D

Maaflah jika ku berduka baru aku nk cari blog tapi itulah kenyataan bila aku sedih aku dah takda siapa nk luahkan,if luah dengan orang mybe orang pun muak nak dengar cerita aku;(( betul lah kata orang salah satu cara utk lepaskan kesedihan dengan "gelak" yes aku pun tak tahu since bila aku start jadi seorang yg sometimes suka gelak Idk why tapi itulah diriku sekarang ;) tapi tu semua tak tahan lama suatu hari pasti akan terlepas juga sedih tu,haih THE FEELING I HATE MOST IS CRYING ;(( aku tak suka orang tengok aku lemah,biarlah aku luaran gembira apa pun aku nak orang sekeliling aku happy ;)))

And just now (20.05.13) Hafiz just text me tell that he got one bad news and good news.the good news is he will continue his studies and get course that he wanted,alhamdulilah for you sayang I'm happy for you and the bad news is he will continue his study at sg petani kedah,haih sayang why you so far ;((( I hate long distance relationship ACTUALLY!! Sorry if infront of you I'm act that actually I'm okey with all this the fact is I'm not okey ;(( yeah as usual we know "setiap pertemuan pasti akan berpisah juga" aku percaya dengan pepatah ni ;)) Ya Allah aku hanya mahu kekuatan pada diriku untuk menjalani hidupku seperti biasa.Aku tak mahu perasaan ni memakan diriku biarlah aku menjalani seperti tiada apa2 ;)) fareeza I know you're strong enough,Allah baru nak menguji kau.Allah masih sayangakan kau dan ingat kau fareeza ;DDD

Actually aku takut long distance relationship ada byk risk,thats what I mean,I do love you so much sayang ❤ but we had to through all complicated ways.Sy x kongkong awk but I will supported you from behind :)))

Then,aku nak sangat rasa bahagianya bila cemerlang dalam hidup ;)) tapi aku rasa mcm takda chance je nk berjaya,lgpun tadi cikgu bm baru je cakap markah bm aku turun.The best part is nama aku cikgu 1st mention of 42 student like seriouslyyyy??but that time aku still boleh senyum and gelak but dalam hati hanya Allah je tahu sakitnya hati and sedihye hati aku..yess I'm a good in act definitely yes ;))) aku nak sangat dapat bahagiakan cikgu-2 yg ajar aku,alangkah bahagianya bila dapat tengok diaorang senyum n bahagia tengok pelajar dia berjaya :)))) actually aku dah lama sangat tak nangis,tapi ntah malam ni tetiba kedua-dua belab pipiku membasahi ;,((((

Dear Hafiz sayang,do take care of yourself at there kayy?be a good boy and junior.I think you shouldn't know that I'm crying because you will leaving me but I'm strong girl..I hate when people said goodbye like seriously I dont know why.take this chance sayang,chance will not come twice.Anyway I willllllllll missss you so much my mr.skinny ❤❤ my pakcik ❤❤ my besttfriend ❤❤ and lover ❤❤❤ I love you soooo much sweetheart ❤❤
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