Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Most Pleasure 2013

Hye asalamualaikum blogger yg kusayangi ;) apa khabar sihat kah??? Umm sy???terlebih sihat rsanye kut dh rumah je kan mana tak nye ternak lemak je dekat rumah ;D aku nk kuruskan badan boleh??Nope dh mula  aku ni  *makan keropok*  kwn2 aku marah kalau aku sebut pasal "aku dh gemuk,nak kuruslah" memang selalu kena marah punya confirmmmm ;)

Anyway Happy New Year 2013 ;D most welcome and I  hope you'll be nicer to me and oh yeah not forget to I'm already being spm candidate??????Oh my geeee I can't believe it,mcm tak percaya je this year last sy bersekolah dekat SMK IDEAL HEIGHTS,I gonna miss you badly ;( this year kalau boleh aku nak focus,umm semua orang setiap tahun cakap benda yg sama tp tak tercapai pun,okey aku tak kata aku berjanji bagai semua but aku try sebolehnye,cukuplah f4 result aku teruk takkan lah aku nk menambahkan lg 'TERUK' tu kan hmmm~~~~

Agak2 life aku macam mna lepas sekolah???Ya Allah mcm lifeless pula aku rsa,yela mna tak nye kn dulu masuk je tahun baru mind set dh ckp bangun pagiiiiiii pergi sekolah but lepas ni no more school,no more for everything..Btw sekolah pada 2013 akan dibuka semula pada 3/1/2013 bersamaan hari rabu..Just great rsa berdebar masuk tahun baru ni but lama2 hilang la tu kan,lagipun entry aku kali ni x best pun nk dibca,aku dh mula busy and mula mengundur diri perlahan demi perlahan dalam laman sosial,Idk why but mybe times is moving so fast,imagine if dh study kerja bagai,ada time ke nak hadap semua ni???mybe jarang kan,balik confirm dh terbukang atas katil,haha ;D well hidup macam tulahhhh..  

Dear Fareeza,now you are getting older now,you need to move on don't turn back,past is past take as lesson,the times will never and never waiting  of you  instead of you must chase the times grab and never let it go..The times are like diamonds,if you use as well as  you use it,it will be worth it believe it..If you are not,it will be nothing and you will never learn from your mistake and the most you will regret is you will lose!lose in your life..Insha Allah,Allah will help you as long as you keep contact with HIM ;) Allah never forgets her/his servant but WE always keep do the same thing everyday..

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