Finally we still can meet up again dah lama juga tak update blog. Mana taknya SPM kurang dari 20hari je lagi preparation pun kenalah lebih tough but me?? Preparation just ala kadar je ;)
Purpose I write today is I missing my boy actually. Miss him a lot but takdla ketara just rindu biasa jela . Gila tak rindu dia dh berpa bulan dekat kat kedah mana nak ingat KL dah kan? ;( but actually he's already here balik for break sem tapi awal bulan 12 dia dh start 2nd waaaa awak janganlah balikkkk ;'(( since dia dh balik eeza still x dpt nk jumpa dia,umm . Tu pun adalah sekali eeza jumpa dia jap,time tu eeza baru balik pasar so in same time haziq nak pergi selayang mall,so dah alang2 Hafiz that time dh start kerja al-maklumlah dh masuk 2nd sem byk duit kena guna so carilah income nk cover next sem. At that time Hafiz shift pukul 1,time tu pula dh pulul 12,so eeza call dia tanya dia either dia pergi kerja naik bus or drive,dia sendiri pun tak tahu lg so eeza decide takpela eeza drop by dia dkt selayang mall sbb dh alang2 eeza nk pergi sana. At for 1st time I jadi driver you kayy?! Amboi suka le tu sbbnye dia dok mengasak eeza sblm ni jd driver dia,haha .
Bila dia keluar dari rumah~~~OMG!!! Handsome gila doh mamat ni! Hahaha kembang semangkuk dia,hehe. Dia dengan full uniform pergh handsome wa cakap sama lu. Eh even dia bf eeza ingat sesenang ke eeza nk puji,JARANG SAMA SEKALI ;D eeza mmg gf agak jahat pun sebenarnya,haha.. But that time he's not feeling well, pity of you sayang sian dia ;)
Dear Hafiz,I always pray that hope that you'll be the last guy that I love in my life. I dont want to be hurt with LOVE anymore . Sayang,please take care of our love carefully? I know I never told you before seriously that I love you but instead of I'm joking actually that is what I meant. We such weird partner actually,because we never show to others our real love until their think "eh fareeza,kau betul2 sayangkan hafiz ke?aku tengok kau mcm relax je mcm xd mslh dgn dia" and etc... The way I show to people is not the real feeling that I show to them. Only you,you the real feeling of me. I love you not because you're handsome for me but you kindness stole my heart. I loves the way we hide our feeling and relationship to others because we know our strength is there. You are lover in quite situation . No one will no know where are you but actually you are there with me . Sayang,I hope one day you can be my future husband and papa to be for our marriage,If Allah wills. I hope you can guide me to jalan Allah. I cant describe how I love you more than words that I could said. But fall love with you,Allah is my permenant love, I hope before we love each other,lets we rely our relationship to Allah because HE is good planner. Last word, I love you so much dear ABDUL HAFIZ BIN ZUNAIDI ❤❤❤❤❤

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